Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back in London

Haven't blogged for a while due to lack of wifi or lack of camera which I left at Christchurch and didn't get back till yesterday.Went to see the just to check out the RTYC. They let me in this time and I enjoyed a champagne and some chicken sandwiches while I gazed thru the picture window onto Hyde Park in sunshine. Lucky I'd checked out St Paul's and the Old Bailey and Royal Courts of Justice first as I wasn't up to much after that. Did intend to go to Greenwich and not deterred by the late hour I set off to find everything closed . It all looked great in the setting sun though and the park at Greenwich was full of people relaxing after work with their dogs. Dropped in at the Trafalgar for a top up. Actually went to the Hayward Gallery as well so did quite a lot.

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