Thursday, July 17, 2008

Back in France..Paris actually

I rode to the border of Holland and Belgium in one day then on Tuesday tried to ride thru Belgium in one day. It is small but not that small I realized as I rode on into the evening...vowing to stop at the next anything resembling accommodation at 6pm but not actually finding any until reaching the town of Namour at 9pm. 50 km short. I was dead. If it wasn't raining steadily from Namour onwards I think it would have been the nicest area I've been to. A narrow valley with steep rocky sides, forests and the beautiful Meusse windi, ng thru. The river looks very calm and still because of the spillway and lock system
There is both commercial and pleasure traffic on the river and some bicycle pathways. The area is called the "Ardenne" Just the odd nuclear power plant peeping over the hills. Finally got back to France and caught the train to Paris last night . Trying to do some washing ( and there's the matter of the hemhorroid which has made the cycling a little bit more painful..yes too much information) and recover before the next ride which will in Burgundy from Auxerre to Dijon then on to Lyon to meet Kate.

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