On wednesday I went to Christchurch to visit Sue, a fellow sailor . She lives there when not in far flung places. Christchurch, on the south coast near Bournemouth is very old. The abbey was commenced in the last millenium and added to as time went on escaping the sacking during Henry's reign . Its claim to fame is "The Miraculous Beam". The carpenters were having a bit of strife , left the job over night and it was fixed by a "carpenter" with a beam that did the job...although it is protruding. The carpenter had been on the job for a few weeks. He out, didn't accept pay then just disappeared. Hmm. The Lady Chapel was added before the Anglicans got started and the madonna was given the shifty. It was restored a bit later but true to Anglican form is the tiniest maddonna I have ever seen.
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