Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
No not here. This is Dianne De Poitiers modest dining room. I stopped at a small town on the way and the lady at tourist info booked a B&B called All Saules Ferme. It was very hot and the proprietor who was a chef made dinner which we ate outside..with aperitif (Cassis...blackcurrent wine), smoked salmon the osso buco then home made tiramisu. thought this a fitting reward for my latest 250 km. There were 2 couples from the UK although one couple actually owned and ran a B&B in Pahia in the Bay of Islands. it was pleasant company. Unfortunately they dinlt have a vacancy for tonight or I might have settled in. I moved next door to the camping park into the ...yes I'm getting soft...little cabin. It was great today lounging about , getting my washing dry , buying my pain , fromage and saucisson and a bottle of chardonay from the town . Had to have a siesta.
I ended up at Amboise and camped next to a young couple from Warnambool who are also doing 2 months...but a bit faster than me. They started at the same time in Spain, have traversed a pass in the Pyrenees and are headed for Rome. This is the view from the camping ground, The city is quite pretty and touristy and it was lovely strolling along the Loire levy bank with half the town in the late evening. On my way there , on a hill in the middle of farming land I saw a group of caravans with power. At first I thought it was a road work camp but there were little kids running around. They must have been gypsies.
Where Am I?
Wednesday seems like a long time ago. Its Saturday night. I must have been riding to Amboise Thursday and I know that yesterday I decided against going to Blois because it is not easy getting in or out of largish cities. Unless there is clear "veloroute" its easy to miss a turnoff and end up lost. Then the next morning , with my sense of direction I can end up going 180 degrees to the desired course. Thrusday morning I did a tour of Chateau Azay de Ridea which has the Indre river routed around it. Its interior was sparse and medieval.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
And the water gardens. It was really quite amazing requiring 9 full time gardeners to maintain it. I then set off in the heat but by the time I reached the camping ground at Azay de Rideau the clouds were gathering but I knew better than to go to a hotel. Out the tent up. Headed for town and made the very best of the shelter in the garden of the restaurant til every last patron left and the rain finally stopped. Battery running out.
The next chateau was a big tourist attraction with buses and people of every nation all present at the time I arrived. The sun came out and with the humidity i was glad to stay in the cool interior and do an audio tour . This chateau was bought at the turn of the century by a Spanish scientist and his very rich American Heiress specificlly to house their extensive collection of medieval and renaissance art. The family still owns it but I think there is generoussupport from the French government. The interior is pretty amazing but the spectacular thing is the gardens.
Saumur to Chinon
Monday, June 23, 2008
Round Saumur
regional Champagne. (Bar owner of free wifi fame disconnected me and tossed me out due to band playing 2 nights ago so had to finish quick). The girls were so nice there and the tour of the caves was such a relief from the heat that though I pointed out that I couldnt carry any thing extra let alone they sold me 2 half bottles, one of champagne and the other of red. By the way I saw in an opticians some sunnies that Dame Edna would be jealous of.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
To Saumur
Camera has run out of battery w/o warning so still no photos. Made to Saumur via some beautiful and ancient villages on a veloroute track mostly with some not too bad traffic on intervening main road, south bank of Le Loire. I was given a jar of pate de lapin (rabbit pate) by Marie, bought a demi baguette and was going to have it for dejuner but couldn't find a park to eat it in. Ended up in Saumur ravenous after 70 km. Passed troglodyte caves hollowed out into the limestone cliff along the way. ...apparently tres chic as a holiday house for Parisians. The camping park is 4 star and has lovely shady sites with great views over the river of the chateau, a pool complete with lounge chairs and a bar and restaurant over looking it. There are lots of camper vans, the big ones with retired people of all nations here for the warmth and beauty. The man husband and wife ajoining are german with a dog called "fritz" whose owner assures me will guard me. Today I climbed the hill to the chateau. The gardens and an exposition of militaRY equestrian equipment are the only things open. Went on a bit of a look around te old city. Beautiful 16th century Napoleon 111 rococco houses. In the main street is a house that Napoleon adressed the masses from. Melting in the heat I returned to get the bike then found my way to Les Caves of Amiot to enjoy th
Friday, June 20, 2008
In Angers I sought the Tourist info and booked a Chambre D'Hotel out of town then set about to see the Castle. It was commenced in the 12th century and modified by the various kings and governors who ruled the Anjou region over the centuries. It is unusual in that it is striped due to the alternating use of Tufa and slate. The big attraction was the 12 th century tapestries. They are the "Apocalipse Tapestries" commissioned by Henry 2 in the 12 century to hang in the Cathedral at Angers. The theme is the disobedience of man and the wrath of god and the political implications for the bourgousie for the time were pretty obvious. They are curiously dichromatic ..with blues and reds predominating. The setting was a huge hall , darkened, but the tapestries illuminated.
I cycled around Angers and got lost, fell on some cobble stones and bruised my derriere then set off for the Chambre de Hote. I found it but though it was a house with a lovely garden the garden door had a remote lock and once in I got a bit scared that Le Monsieur who seemed a bit aggitated that I spoke so little french might not let me out. This was reinforced when I couldn't get out the flat door. Was he some weirdo who would lock me in the cellar? He then insisted that I needed to book a restaurant . I got out after a clean up , headed to the ville of St Gemmes and found he was right. The only restaurant that was open was that particular restaurant and the ville was tres petit. The lamb was beautiful especially after a largely vegetarian diet in the preceeding weeks. The waiter spoke English which was a relief. I found that the town was actually on the Loire and had a stroll up the river in a beautiful park called Parc des Amoruex. It was then that the mal returned and the toilettes publique were "sans papiere". "Sans Papiere" is the french expression for asylum seekers. Any way made it back and headed to Samur faire de velo today
I cycled around Angers and got lost, fell on some cobble stones and bruised my derriere then set off for the Chambre de Hote. I found it but though it was a house with a lovely garden the garden door had a remote lock and once in I got a bit scared that Le Monsieur who seemed a bit aggitated that I spoke so little french might not let me out. This was reinforced when I couldn't get out the flat door. Was he some weirdo who would lock me in the cellar? He then insisted that I needed to book a restaurant . I got out after a clean up , headed to the ville of St Gemmes and found he was right. The only restaurant that was open was that particular restaurant and the ville was tres petit. The lamb was beautiful especially after a largely vegetarian diet in the preceeding weeks. The waiter spoke English which was a relief. I found that the town was actually on the Loire and had a stroll up the river in a beautiful park called Parc des Amoruex. It was then that the mal returned and the toilettes publique were "sans papiere". "Sans Papiere" is the french expression for asylum seekers. Any way made it back and headed to Samur faire de velo today
I haven't downloaded the photos from the camera and dont have the lead with me so I'm just writing today. Anyway the photos are of 12th century churches, little stone houses with trailing rose bushes, the odd tower of two and the Loire which is a big wide river.Passe really! The funny thing is that everything is old and all the houses , recent or ancient in Brittany or pays de Le Loire are all the same yellowy beige colour. I dont know if this is a heritage thing and compulsory or the just the standard colour of the concrete they slather on to new houses. In the Pays del loire it is understandable because the Tufa stone that everything is built out of is a pale yellow. Its certainly odd in the land of "Liberte".
I had a lovely dinner at a Lebanese restaurant with the Caillard's in Renne then hit the sack. They told me that the path along the Canal Ille et Rance from Dinan to Rennes was 90km which explained my extreme fatigue...or so I thought...until the diarrhea struck the next morning. I think it was a brief attack of the mal de Jensen (c/- Jensens of Egham UK)but it was brief and some codiene and cocoa-cola at the Cafe american in Rennes plus a sit down and I was back on the tourist trail. I checked ot the Rue's that Caitlin bought all those french clothes at on her exchange, the Musee des Beaux artes with a fascinating exhibition of neolithic and roman findings from the entire province then on the way back to the Caillards dropped in on Mme Bebin whom Caitlin stayed with for the majority of her exchange. She had just arrived back from Florida and invited me for tea. I met the 3 goats and her dog Poopy whom Caitlin was very fond of and we nattered away about things in general especially those things I had practiced with the Caillards. Everyone had noted Caitlin's predilection for th TV and shopping. I was also able to entertain both he Caillards and Maryonne with the story of Bibi eating the whole block of chocolate and having to be hospitalized for a huge sum of money. The Caillard's , who run a farm , were , of course shocked ...mind you was I when I heard of the vet bill initially. Bryan assures me that there is a discount.
I set off in rain and got lost trying to find my way put of Rennes. A man who had already been drinking at 10am tried to show me on the map where I was. This was quite unsolicited and I have found that drunken men in the morning are very keen to assist me. In the UK one morning 2 of them tried to assist me . One complimented me on my figure and attributd this to the bicycling. I felt quite thrilled but sad that only a drunken man could appreciate my physical charms. I found my way in the rain to the train station and cought a train to Anger.
I had a lovely dinner at a Lebanese restaurant with the Caillard's in Renne then hit the sack. They told me that the path along the Canal Ille et Rance from Dinan to Rennes was 90km which explained my extreme fatigue...or so I thought...until the diarrhea struck the next morning. I think it was a brief attack of the mal de Jensen (c/- Jensens of Egham UK)but it was brief and some codiene and cocoa-cola at the Cafe american in Rennes plus a sit down and I was back on the tourist trail. I checked ot the Rue's that Caitlin bought all those french clothes at on her exchange, the Musee des Beaux artes with a fascinating exhibition of neolithic and roman findings from the entire province then on the way back to the Caillards dropped in on Mme Bebin whom Caitlin stayed with for the majority of her exchange. She had just arrived back from Florida and invited me for tea. I met the 3 goats and her dog Poopy whom Caitlin was very fond of and we nattered away about things in general especially those things I had practiced with the Caillards. Everyone had noted Caitlin's predilection for th TV and shopping. I was also able to entertain both he Caillards and Maryonne with the story of Bibi eating the whole block of chocolate and having to be hospitalized for a huge sum of money. The Caillard's , who run a farm , were , of course shocked ...mind you was I when I heard of the vet bill initially. Bryan assures me that there is a discount.
I set off in rain and got lost trying to find my way put of Rennes. A man who had already been drinking at 10am tried to show me on the map where I was. This was quite unsolicited and I have found that drunken men in the morning are very keen to assist me. In the UK one morning 2 of them tried to assist me . One complimented me on my figure and attributd this to the bicycling. I felt quite thrilled but sad that only a drunken man could appreciate my physical charms. I found my way in the rain to the train station and cought a train to Anger.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I arrived at the Caillards at about 5pm absolutely exhausted and never so glad as when Marie offered me a bath! Caitlin stayed at Vezin Le Coquet, just out of Rennes 18 months ago and with the Caillards for Christmas when Mme Bebin was away. This is Etienne , the youngest who went on the bus with Caitlin, his older sister Maille who works as anurse in Paris and Marie his mum. Yves and Marie have a organic farming cooperative shop at their farm and produce the eggs from free range hens but sell produce from other farms organically certified.
To Rennes
To Dinan
The ride from St Malo to Dinan was going to be a problem as the bridge ," Le Barriage" approach was clearly marked not for bikes.Incidently La Barriageis also a power station which utilizes the big tides and generates 3% of Brittany's power using giant turbines. Luckily the ferry which was empty on Lundi martin would take me over to Dinard the the instructions in the Lonely Planet book had me ride along the ridge overlooking La Rance. The views were spectacular, the motorists OK but I did discovr that there is a path all along the Rance which would have avoided the hills.
Monday, June 16, 2008
St Malo
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Kath drove me to Portsmouth but by the time we had lunched at Sopley it was a bit late to do anything touristy. Also the traffic was terrifying. It would have been less so if I had found the enlargement of Portsmouth in the street directory before entered the city. I didn't expect it to be so big. We missed out on going to the Spinnaker Tower mainly because I didn't know how to get to it.
This was yesterday and the intervening days could not be recorded pictorially and perhaps its better that they weren't. Kath came back from Turkey with two lovely children stricken with diarrhea and vomiting. Kath herself wasn't in fighting form so I evacuated the "House of Pestilence" and had a lovely ride in to Putney Bridge along the Thames Path. Highlights were the deer and their cute little fawns in Richmond Park. London has huge parks..formerly hunting grounds and palace gardens and in places you really dont feel that you are in one of the largest cities in the world. Another highlight was Hamptom Court Palace which is beautifully preserved , very ornate ..a bit over the top really but Henry V111 was a big man with a big ego. The facade viewed from the Thames is very beautiful. It was added later. Friday, had to have a rest watch Home Alone with Kaitlin (7) and Matthew (5) and had a lovely dinner out with Kath.
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