From Heathrow its a direct tube ride to Knightsbridge which was good because the bike bag was not ideal to carry all the luggage and there I was strugging against the tide of Saturday shoppers coming out of Harrods as the bike bag with its one set of wheels took out peoples and my shins.
The RTYC "cabin is just that... slightly bigger than on Folie but at 75 pounds per night
in the centre of a nice bit of London its brilliant.
From the outside it as got to be the ugliest building in the street. on either side are beautiful Goergian buildings housing the Kuwait Embassy
and , I suspect, a brothel , with harvey Nicholls Department Store opposite. At the "back " of the building is Hyde Park. Inside though it is pure 60's
and has a model room with books and magazines dating back to the mid 1800's. It also has a library, dining room ( sounded a bit expensive) and seemed to be deserted over the weekend.
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